Warsztaty nt. zarządzaniu energią w gminie w ramach projektu OwnYourSECAP
18 kwietnia br. miały miejsce warsztaty zorganizowane w ramach projektu OwnYourSECAP. Projekt realizuje m.in. cykl szkoleń przyczyniających się do wzmocnienia lokalnego potencjału i kompetencji w zakresie łagodzenia skutków zmiany klimatu i adaptacji do nich, a także wspierających wymianę wiedzy i doświadczeń pomiędzy gminami pionierskimi, doświadczonymi a replikatorami. Tym razem spotkanie było poświęcone zarządzaniu energią w gminach, a uczestniczyli w nim przedstawiciele gmin projektowych Bydgoszczy i Sztumu (gminy pionierskie), Beska i Raciechowic (gminy doświadczone) oraz Siemiatycz, Zamościa i Żyrakowa (gminy replikatorzy).
Covenant of Mayors 2023 conference in Brussels - the role of cities as leaders in the EU energy transition
How European cities are turning the energy crisis into an opportunity to drive Europe towards a climate-neutral and just future?
On March 30, the 2023 Covenant of Mayors Conference in Brussels brought together high-level representatives of EU institutions and Mayors from cities across Europe.
Nine mayors showcased what their cities are doing faced with the two big crises of today: the energy and climate crises. The exchange highlighted how cities’ response to the energy crisis is setting an example for Europe’s long-term efforts in matters of energy and climate. Panelists shared long-term solutions that will accelerate a profound social and energy transformation and the support that European institutions and national governments can provide to local governments in this process to reach common objectives.
School climate checks in Zamość
Representatives of the Association met in Zamość with teachers, students and employees of two primary schools that joined the Visions2045 project on 23th of March, 2023. School working groups had the opportunity to talk about common plans and expectations.
The most important element of the event was conducting a carbon footprint audit and collection of data needed to define it in the school building using a dedicated calculator prepared for this purpose by Greenpeace. The analysis of the collected data and the implementation of the school action plan for climate neutrality is planned. The goals of the project and the individual steps, that will enable its implementation, have been presented.
School climate check in Mińsk Mazowiecki
Schools in Mińsk Mazowiecki have started their activities as part of the project Visions 2045 - Schools as drivers to Climate Neutrality in Cities. School Working Groups - consisting of teachers, students, administrative and technical employees from primary schools No. 1 and No. 5 - met on 7th of March 2023 with representatives of our Association and the City Hall to talk about plans and expectations. Implementation of the project by building awareness and implementing specific activities among the youngest, with the simultaneous involvement of adult stakeholders, will facilitate the pursuit of climate neutrality of the city, building an aware society and proper use of available resources.
National Workshop on Energy Literacy in Poland
Environmental education, including adult education, plays an increasingly important role in shaping a sustainable society. On March 3, 2023, workshops dedicated to this topic were held in Krakow, with particular emphasis on the needs of young adults, i.e. people aged 29-39. The participants included representatives of cities, eco-advisors and organizations related to climate protection interested in the development of energy competences. The diversity of the group enabled a wide exchange of experience in acquiring and transferring thematic knowledge.
Recording of the EPAH Technical Support Program informational webinar now available!
Anyone interested in submitting an application in the second call for the EPAH Technical Support Program is invited to watch the recording of the event and the presentations given on February 28, 2023 during the webinar. The deadline for submitting the application form is March 31, 2023.
The meeting began by introducing participants to the topic of energy poverty, introducing the definition and characteristics of the phenomenon, as well as the challenges at the local level and proposed solutions to this increasingly common problem. The participants were then provided with detailed information on the Energy Poverty Advisory Center. The main task of this institution is to provide local government units and cooperating entities with assistance in diagnosing and analyzing this phenomenon in their area and planning local measures to help reduce it. The center collaborates with subject matter experts and gathers valuable knowledge, experience and good practices that may prove useful to other local governments and entities interested in combating energy poverty. This was followed by a step-by-step discussion of how to apply for the second call under the Technical Assistance Program and the entire process of preparing an application.
Workshop on adopting cities and municipalities to climate change
Enhancing the capacity to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change and supporting resilience to these changes is one of the most important elements of global, European, and Polish climate policy, as reflected not only in the European Green Deal but also in the programming of the new European Union Financial Perspective 2021-2027. In the new climate change adaptation strategy Building a climate resilient Europe, published on 24 February 2021, the European Commission points out that national, regional and local authorities should develop plans for adapting to climate change.
New call for EPAH Technical Support Program - invitation to informational webinar
EPAH's Energy Poverty Advisory Hub has just announced its second call for applications for the Technical Support Program, aimed at local governments and cooperating organizations that want to counter the phenomenon. Between March 1 and 31, 2023, applicants will be able to apply for technical assistance (expert support) that will enable them to better plan activities for the energy poor or those at risk of energy poverty, and on February 28 at 11:00 a.m. they will have the opportunity to participate in an informational webinar aimed specifically at potential beneficiaries of the Program.
EnergyMeasures project partners meeting
On February 9-10, 2023, Krakow hosted members of the EnergyMeasures project consortium, who met during one of the cyclical partner meetings. The event was an opportunity to discuss the phenomenon of energy poverty in Poland, but also in Belgium, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Ireland or Scotland. Representatives of organizations involved in combating this phenomenon in the aforementioned countries also took part in a creative workshop on planning further actions and their replication, as well as a training on interactive communication methods. The meeting also allowed summarizing the project's results achieved so far and planning the schedule of work for next year.
Kick-off meeting within the CommitClimate project
On February 1-2, 2023, the first meeting of partners within the CommitClimate project, was held in Riga. The aim of the project is, among others, to improve the competence of local government representatives in the area of energy transition and to develop a new simulation model for calculating carbon footprints and modeling scenarios for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the future.
Municipalities and cities are important drivers of decarbonizing energy systems. They are responsible for setting a strategic direction to increase energy efficiency, produce renewable energy, and reduce local greenhouse gas emissions. They are essential in mobilizing stakeholders and citizens to introduce energy solutions for climate neutrality. However, this potential is not yet well exploited due to a lack of skills and supportive tools.