Logo Slad wodny miast kolorThe objective of the project is to use the water footprint as a tool for capacity building and integration of different environments (city authorities, representatives of city halls, municipal companies, planners and water and sewage companies, developers, local entrepreneurs) and to educate residents to protect water resources in cities.

Coordinator: The Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cites” (PNEC) (PL)

Implementation period:  01.04.2017 – 30.06.2020

Financing:  Operational Programme "Infrastructure & Environment"

Project website: http://www.sladwodnymiast.pl/


slad wodny Beneficiaries

Planned results: development of potential and integration of groups having the greatest impact on water management in the city by using the water footprint approach in practice, replication of good practices and education of water consumers. The project is a response to the needs of Polish cities constantly looking for innovative tools in the area of sustainable water management, as well as to the needs of residents indicating a deficit of information in this field. 

Main activities:

  • Development of educational materials (press articles, e-posters).
  • Kick-off and final conferences and a series of trainings for local decision makers
  • Calculation of the water footprint for 5 cities participating in the project
  • Development of a computer program for calculating the water footprint
  • Preparation and printing of a Handbook on the rationalization of the use of water resources in urban areas
  • A study trip to the city which takes exemplary and innovative activities in the field of water and wastewater management. 

slad wodny KalkulatorCalculation of the water footprint program to calculate the water footprint for any city, region and building and to propose actions to optimize it. 


Link to the calculator: http://www.sladwodnymiast.pl/narzedzie-do-obliczania-sladu-wodnego


slad wodny handbookThe handbook for municipalities is intended for local decision-makers and all those interested in improving water use in cities, but also in their own households. The guide can be found here.








The three electronic versions of the information brochures for local residents, school users and building managers can be downloaded here.

slad wodny broszury