Enhancing the capacity to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change and supporting resilience to these changes is one of the most important elements of global, European, and Polish climate policy, as reflected not only in the European Green Deal but also in the programming of the new European Union Financial Perspective 2021-2027. In the new climate change adaptation strategy Building a climate resilient Europe, published on 24 February 2021, the European Commission points out that national, regional and local authorities should develop plans for adapting to climate change.
The majority of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants already have Urban climate change adaptation plans in Poland, according to the 'Strategic Adaptation Plan for Sectors and Areas Sensitive to Climate Change to 2020 with a perspective to 2030', developed by the Ministry of the Environment. According to the draft submitted for procedure by the Ministry of Climate and Environment in September 2021 (scheduled for adoption in the first quarter of 2023), cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants will be required to develop municipal climate change adaptation plans (MPAs).
The workshop on adaptation, organised in Kraków on 2 March 2023 by the Association of Municipalities Polish Network 'Energie Cités' in cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors Office in Brussels and the Marshal's Office of the Malopolska Region, brought together representatives of mainly so-called 'medium-sized cities' interested in accelerating adaptation to climate change at the local level, particularly in the area of strategic planning and the use of nature-based solutions.
In the session devoted to climate change adaptation planning at the European, national, regional and local levels, the following speakers took the floor: Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha from the European Network of Regions for Research and Innovation Cooperation; Andrzej Łazęcki, Director of the Department of Municipal Economy and Climate of the City of Kraków; Justyna Mazurkiewicz, Head of the Climate Team in the Environmental Department of the Marshal's Office of the Małopolska Region and Barbara Rajkowska, Head of the Climate Change Adaptation Unit at the Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute.
After this theoretical introduction, it was time for workshop exercises in small groups.
The first one, preceded by a presentation by Ewa Burszta-Adamiak, PhD, from Wrocław University of Life Sciences, presenting Polish and foreign examples of the application of nature-based solutions (NBS), consisted of designing selected NBS, such as a rain gardens and an extensive green roofs for a selected facility in a city. Working in small groups, participants were also introduced to available guides, catalogues and hydraulic calculators that can be used in the process of designing NBS.
The next exercise, led by architect Tomasz Jeleński, PhD, from the International Centre for Education at the Kraków University of Technology, aimed to introduce participants to the process of developing an adaptation strategy, including formulating a diagnosis of the problem, defining the vision, mission and goals of the plan, and specifying a list of planned actions and ways of implementing them.
The workshop was organised as part of the European Commission's initiative, led by the Covenant of Mayors, called: the Policy Support Facility on Adaptation, which offers assistance in implementing adaptation strategies to local and regional authorities in 12 EU countries.
- Strategiczne podejście do adaptacji oraz działania w tym obszarze na szczeblu UE , Katarzyna Bałucka-Dębska, Dyrekcja Generalna Komisji Europejskiej ds.Działań na rzecz Klimatu (DG Clima)
- Działania sieci ERRIN w zakresie adaptacji do zmiany klimatu oraz możliwości współpracy , Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha, Europejska Sieć Współpracy Regionów w zakresie Badań i Innowacji
- Doświadczenia z opracowywania Miejskiego Planu Adaptacji , Andrzej Łazęcki, Urząd Miasta Krakowa
- Planowanie adaptacji i działania w tym obszarze na poziomie regionalnym , Justyna Mazurkiewicz, Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego
- Planowanie i działania adaptacyjne w Polsce na poziomie krajowym (MPA 44) , Barbara Rajkowska, IOŚ-PIB
- Rozwiązania oparte na naturze (NBS) w miastach - przykłady polskie i zagraniczne , dr hab. inż. Ewa Burszta-Adamiak, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
- Tworzenie strategii adaptacji , dr arch. Tomasz Jeleński, Międzynarodowe Centrum Edukacji Politechnika Krakowska