Municipal Intelligent Energy Days in Bielawa and Dzierżoniów
Municipal Councils of Bielawa and Dzierżoniów decided to organize the second edition of Municipal Intelligent Energy Days together. The event was organized in Dzierżoniów on 26th and 27th of September 2009. It gathered about 15 000 people and was a part of XV Dzierżoniów Business Presentations (Dzierżoniowskie Prezentacje Gospodarcze) which aim at supporting the development of local enterprise. Employees of both Municipal Councils had their stand at the fair where they answered questions such as: how to save energy, what are the advantages of energy efficient behaviors, how much electricity do PV cells make or how to best insulate a house.
„COVENANT OF MAYORS” conference in Krakow
Over 100 participants took part in the international conference „COVENANT OF MAYORS - European Initiative for Climate Protection” which took place in the building of Cracow City Council on 28th and 29th of May 2009. The conference gathered people which are interested in fighting against climate change at the local level.
The RES Champions League, renewable energy competition for European cities, towns and villages has officially been opened on 23th of April in Brussels. The event was part of the conference "3x20 PLAY THE GAME!" organized by Climate Alliance and Energie-Cités.
POLISH RES LEAGUE was officially opened on the 5th of February 2009 during the workshop „Utilization of solar energy and biomass”. The workshop was organized within the framework of the annual ENEX fair in Kielce by the Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” and the GLOBEnergia magazine.
Rozeznanie rynku dotyczące wyceny certyfikacji systemu zarządzania energią wg normy ISO 50001 dla gmin Raciechowice i Besko
Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités” zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w rozeznaniu rynku przeprowadzanym w celu rozeznania cenowego i ustalenia szacunkowej wartości zamówienia na „Certyfikację systemów zarządzania energią w gminach Besko i Raciechowice zgodnie z normą ISO 50001:2018”.
Postępowanie jest prowadzone w ramach projektu OwnYourSECAP (MIEJ PLAN: Wsparcie władz regionalnych i lokalnych w opracowaniu i wdrażaniu Planu SECAP) współfinansowanego z programu LIFE (umowa grantu nr 101077109). Gminy Besko i Raciechowice zobowiązały się do wdrożenia, a następnie certyfikacji systemu zarządzania energią zgodnie z wymaganiami normy ISO 50001.
Załącznik nr 4 – Oferta Wykonawcy (.doc)
Wypełniony formularz oferty należy przesłać w wersji elektronicznej e-mailem na adres This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Nieprzekraczalny termin składania ofert upływa 05.09.2024 r., o godzinie 16.00.
Informujemy, iż zaproszenie nie stanowi zapytania ofertowego w rozumieniu art. 66 Kodeksu Cywilnego, ani nie jest ogłoszeniem o zamówieniu publicznym w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 11 września 2019 r. – Prawo zamówień publicznych. Ma ono na celu wyłącznie rozeznanie cenowe rynku wśród jednostek certyfikujących i uzyskanie informacji na temat kosztów związanych z wdrożeniem i certyfikacją systemów zarządzania energią w celu właściwego przygotowania zapytania.
Projekt uzyskał dofinansowanie z Unii Europejskiej w ramach instrumentu finansowego na rzecz środowiska i klimatu LIFE+ w ramach umowy grantu nr 101077109. Wyłączna odpowiedzialność za treść niniejszej zakładki spoczywa na jej autorach i niekoniecznie odzwierciedla opinie Unii Europejskiej.
Conducting training and advisory activities on green and energy transformation for local government administrations.
The public task, implemented under Investment G1.1.4 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (G1.1.4 – Support for institutions implementing reforms and investments under REPowerEU, indicator G8G – Contest for the implementation of the public task "Conducting training, advisory, and analytical activities in the area of building administrative capacity for green and energy transformation for local administrations"). It aims to strengthen the administrative capacities of local authorities and office staff in the field of green energy transition, procedures related to the issuing of permits for investments in renewable energy sources and the creation of areas for accelerated RES development.t. As part of the initiative, training activities and study visits will be conducted to explore the topics of efficient energy management and the implementation of renewable energy investments. This initiative is targeted at several dozen cities and municipalities across Poland, which, as members of the Association, are leaders in sustainable development and energy efficiency. Additionally, it is open to other local government units interested in participating in the training cycle and expanding their knowledge and competencies.
BUSHROSSs: Building Up Skills for Home Renovation One-Stop-Shops
The aim of the project is to develop the skills of relevant authorities, such as national, regional and local authorities or energy agencies, in order to effectively establish and operate one-stop-shops (OSS) to assist homeowners throughout the process of energy refurbishment of residential buildings. The project aims to accelerate the pace of housing renovation, contribute to the European Green Deal and improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations.
SUPPORT DHC: Supporting a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling
The aim of the project is to support owners and operators of the district heating and cooling (DHC) sector and all related stakeholders, such as local authorities, in the energy transition, and thus work towards the common goal of a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050.
The main challenges facing the DHC sector are:
- carrying out the necessary investments in DHC infrastructure and the associated huge implementation efforts,
- the upcoming definition for energy efficient DHC in Article 24 of the EED revision will define a clear roadmap until 2050 and thus requires a holistic transformation planning of DHC operators for decarbonizing their DHC systems in line with the EED,
- technologies such as low-grade renewable energies (RE) and waste heat (WH) are new to many operators and create the need of technical support to many subprocesses of DHC transformation and investment planning.