EPAH website bannerThe Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) is the leading EU initiative aiming to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of European local governments. EPAH’s mission is to be the central platform of energy poverty expertise in Europe for local authorities and all stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty in Europe by providing direct support, online trainings, and research results and by building a collaborative network of stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty in Europe. Building on the EU Energy Poverty Observatory legacy, the EPAH adapts an action-based approach by creating a space for collaboration and exchange for local and regional authorities planning a variety of measures to tackle energy poverty in the pursuit of a just and fair transition.

Technical support is provided in the form of an active helpdesk reachable at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and two dedicated calls where proposals will be awarded dedicated specific assistance to support them in their process to tackle energy poverty.



We are pleased to announce the launch of the renewed EPAH website

As part of promoting sustainable energy solutions across Europe and tackling energy poverty, a new EPAH website has been launched, equipped with interactive features to promote greater collaboration and knowledge sharing in the energy poverty community.

Website OpenEuropa EPAH24 banner


Energy Poverty Advisory Hub International Annual Conference 2024: Paving the way for energy poverty alleviation.

Organised for local authorities, experts and stakeholders involved in combating energy poverty and promoting sustainable solutions, the event will take place on 15-16 October 2024 in Barcelona.



New extended course: 'Alleviating energy poverty: How to implement local actions', aims to provide a deeper understanding of energy poverty and the effective actions that can be successful in alleviating it.

extendedcourse EPAH24 generic


A Guide to Planning Energy Poverty Mitigation Actions

Local authorities face an urgent challenge to effectively address energy poverty. In response to this critical issue, a practical guide to planning energy poverty alleviation measures has been produced.

planning cover


Call for the Technical Assistance

The Energy Poverty Advisory Centre (EPAH) has launched two calls, inviting local authorities and organisations working closely with them from all 27 EU Member States to apply for technical support to tackle energy poverty. Proposals could be submitted online from February to March 2022 (first call) and from March to April 2023 (second call). The EPAH is currently working with around 85 local authorities, supporting them to implement their action plans. The Technical Support Programme collaboration aims to empower local governments by providing them with the necessary technical assistance to achieve measurable and effective results.

Information on the achievements of the cities awarded in the first and second call can be found on the EPAH website.

2nd call

1.03 - 7.04.2023 r.

In the second call, 28 applications were awarded, representing 49 municipalities from 12 countries across Europe. From Poland, Niepołomice was awarded.




An interactive map has been created to view the list of awarded applicants from the second call. It showcases the municipalities that have received technical assistance and will soon also be enhanced with more details on their individual action programmes and results. See now which cities and regions are making a positive difference to energy poverty across Europe. Check out the interactive map below to discover the award-winning applications.


1st call
1.02 – 15.03.2022 r.

W ramach pierwszego naboru nagrodzono 23 wnioski reprezentujące 34 gminy z całej Europy (Bydgoszcz i Zamość z Polski), które obecnie otrzymują bezpośrednie wsparcie w podejmowaniu lokalnych działań na rzecz walki z ubóstwem energetycznym. Dzięki tej współpracy samorządy lokalne otrzymują pomoc techniczną w celu osiągnięcia skutecznych lokalnych wyników, które mogą służyć jako inspirujące przykłady dla innych samorządów lokalnych dążących do podjęcia podobnych procesów.

Information webinar on the Technical Support Programme

  1. On 28 February 2023, potential beneficiaries had the opportunity to take part in a webinar on the second call for the Technical Support Programme. A step-by-step overview of how to apply and the process of preparing an application was discussed.

Informative webinar - 2nd call, 28.02.2023. (PL)

  1. On 4 February 2022, a special webinar was held to present the details of the EPAH Technical Support Programme.

Information webinar - 1st call, 4.02.2022. (PL)


EPAH events

EPAH Lunch talks

a series of monthly meetings with experts and representatives of European cities to share experiences and discuss opportunities to combat energy poverty.

The EPAH website provides information on the latest developments.


  1. A safe winter for all: sharing experiences of local energy saving actions from EU municipalities
  2. Indicators importance for local scale assessments of energy poverty
  3. One year on the energy poverty topic in retrospective: reflections and expectations for 2023
  4. Supporting local governments in tackling energy poverty: what is the EPAH technical assistance?
  5. The need to have a multi-actor approach to address energy poverty
  6. Tackling energy poverty through behaviour change
  7. Coping with energy poverty during summer
  8. Domestic safety challenges: risk of fire for energy-poor households
  9. National reflections: Unveiling the challenges and opportunities of energy poverty in Europe
  10. Post-Warsaw Annual Conference Insights: Improving skills to tackle energy poverty
  11. Updated national indicators: new opportunities to expand knowledge on energy poverty
  12. Efficiency First: How cities are fighting energy poverty with Passive House
  13. Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Alleviating Energy Poverty
  14. Storytelling for Energy Poverty
  15. TARGET: Technical Assistance Facility for Clean Energy Transition
  16. Hidden Energy Poverty and Hard-to-Reach Energy Users


Online courses

'Alleviating energy poverty: How to implement local actions' - EPAH extended course - The Energy Poverty Advisory Centre (EPAH) offers practical tips, tools and resources, referring to the core course to deepen understanding.


'Introduction to energy poverty and the EPAH' - introductory course - is a short course open to all stakeholders interested in addressing energy poverty.

It provides an overview of energy poverty from a practical–political perspective. The duration is approximately one hour and is made up of six lessons divided into three modules, which can be taken individually. Participants that complete all the modules will receive a course certificate.


'Energy poverty in Europe: From policy framework to integration in local action plans' - EPAH compact course - is designed to help local authority decision-makers initiate a local policy or develop a plan to tackle energy poverty in their municipality or region, but all stakeholders interested in tackling energy poverty can attend the course and benefit from its educational materials

The course is divided in four modules during which you are going to be introduced to the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub tools, the European policy framework of energy poverty, the social need and benefits of addressing it and finally the Energy Poverty Circular Model for designing and implementing local actions to tackle the phenomenon.



We invite you to read the following publications, which can help you implement concrete measures and combat energy poverty in your local context.

EPAH has developed a comprehensive and easy to follow methodology to help municipalities and stakeholders working with municipalities to develop local actions to address energy poverty. The series of guides provides practical tools for municipalities to effectively address the social aspects of the energy transition. The methodologies include:

  • An introduction to the EPAH handbooks: a guide to understanding and addressing energy poverty, which outlines the common ground between all three handbooks.
  • EPAH Handbook 1: The first handbook focuses on methods to diagnose energy poverty, helping local authorities understand the scale and causes of the problem. (published 03.2023)
  • EPAH Handbook 2: A guide to practical steps for action to alleviate energy poverty at the local level. This is the second phase of the EPAH methodology, which focuses on transforming the analysis into concrete project proposals.(published 04.2024)
  • EPAH Handbook 3: It aims to provide practical advice based on collective peer experience and help municipalities face the challenges of this phase. To achieve this, the handbook will go through some additional preparatory steps to transform the Local Social Climate Plan into a concrete action plan and then provide specific insight for each group of actions (published 10.2024)