On 9 September 2021 in the City Hall of Płońsk, after a break of more than a year due to the pandemic, the third personal meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Advisory Group established under the ENTRAIN project took place. The members of RSAG are the representatives of the city and municipality of Plonsk, municipal companies operating in the heating sector, as well as universities and local municipalities. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Anna Jaskuła - Director of the Association of Municipality Polish Network "Energie Cités".
At the beginning of the event there were reminded the objectives and realized activities and their results so far, as well as other activities planned for the near future. The representative of University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw reminded the participants of the most important principles of the prepared Regional Action Plan for development of heating networks based on RES in the target region of the project, which is Płońsk County and the area of the Płońsk Energy Cluster. The current political, legal and financial framework for the development of heating based on RES was also presented.
During the discussion the issue of the nearest planned actions, which are i.a. education campaign for the inhabitants of the Płońsk Municipality and workshops for children and teenagers in schools, has been raised. Both actions are to increase the awareness of Płońsk citizens concerning the benefits from district heating and to make the younger generation aware how important it is to take care of the natural environment and what positive influence the use of energy from renewable sources has. Representatives of the municipal companies and local government have agreed to get involved in these activities.
The participants also tried to prepare a set of recommendations for national and regional authorities and financing institutions concerning the creation of favorable frameworks, conditions and support instruments for the development of district heating based on local renewable energy sources. A frequent topic was also giving technical support to potential beneficiaries, or more support for the energy poor people.
We hope to have the opportunity to present them during the workshops with representatives of ministries and voivodships planned in the further part of the project.
- Krótkie przypomnienie celów oraz dotychczasowych działań i rezultatów projektu ENTRAIN: Planowanie rozwoju systemów ciepłowniczych wykorzystujących OZE dla poprawy jakości powietrza , Anna Fijas, The Association of Municipality Polish Network „Energie Cités”
- Krótkie przypomnienie najważniejszych założeń Regionalnego Planu Działań na rzecz zwiększenia udziału OZE w ciepłownictwie oraz promocji czystszych źródeł ciepła , Jarosław Osiak, University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw
- Z poziomu regionalnego na poziom krajowy: aktualne ramy polityczne, prawne i finansowe rozwoju ciepłownictwa bazującego na OZE (z uwzględnieniem dyrektywy RED ii, KPEiK 2030, PEP 2040, nowych instrumentów finansowych, w tym programów FENiKS, RPO). Potencj , Patrycja Płonka, The Association of Municipality Polish Network „Energie Cités”