Local Government Climate Session
Konin-Poznań, 9-11 December 2008 r. The Local Government Climate Sessions (LGCS) took place on 9 December in Konin and on 10-11 December 2008 in Poznan, on the occasion of the 2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference. It gathered about 200 representatives of local and regional governments from all over the world.
Our Association was represented by Zbigniew Michniowski, President of PNEC Board and Deputy Mayor of Bielsko-Biała, and Anna Jaskuła, deputy Director of PNEC office.
Renewables make the difference
On Friday 05 December 2008 16:00 - 17:30 in Poznan a “Food for Thought session” was held by our Association in parallel with the 14th Conference of the Parties - COP 14. This session entitled "Renewables make the difference" was a part of the day focused on renewable energy.
Leader of Energy Transformations 2008

Janów Municipality and Aqua S.A. Company from z Bielsko Biała awarded as Leaders of Energy Transformations 2008.
This title is the expression of appreciation for these businessman and local authorities who succeeded in promotion and implementation of RES (renewable energy sources) initiatives.
The objective of this competition is:
- to promote production of clean energy in Poland
- to suport the activities timing at effective development of RES technology in Poland
Promoter of Renewable Energy 2008
We are very pleased to inform that our Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cites” has been awarded with the prestigious Title of The Promoter of Renewable Energy 2008. The jury was leaded by Prof Maciej Nowicki, Polish Minister of Environment and the 1st Laureate of the Title.
The prize was handed during the formal ceremony on 26.10.2008 to Zbigniew Michniowski (President of the Board) and Maria Stankiewicz (Managing Director) as representatives of the Association.
BISE - Krakow Appeal
BISE started as an event: the BISE Forum that took place in Grenoble (FR) in October 2004, the year when 10 new member states (incl. 8 coming from CEEC) were joining the EU. It was presented as a “welcome” initiative to facilitate the integration (“Better Integration”) and the exchange between countries having followed a similar process regarding energy systems (“Specific Exchanges”).
The first BISE Forum turned into the BISE process through decisions taken by the 150 participants at that time (See the Grenoble Appeal and the Memorandum on Therefore, other BISE Forums took place in Sofia (2005), Riga (2006) and Krakow (2007).
The International Conference IV Forum BISE (Better Integration for Sustainable Energy), under the auspices of Mayor of Krakow and Marshall of Malopolska Region, took place on 24-26 October 2007 r. in Krakow.
IV Forum organised by the European network Energie Cités and Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” gathered 120 participants from 21 European countries – representatives of municipalities, European cities, banks, business, NGOs and energy agencies.
At the end of the Conference, on 26th October 2007 the Krakow Appeal was accepted and signed by Wiesław Starowicz, Deputy Mayor of Krakow City and Zbigniew Michniowski, President of Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” Board and Deputy President of the Board of European network Energie Cités.