RENERGY Meets in Rome
Renewable energy experts from across Europe gathered in Rome, Italy for the 5th Thematic Group and Steering Group Meeting of the RENERGY project on 26-27th June.
The RENERGY project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is designed to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency on a regional level across Europe.
Intelligent Energy Day in Częstochowa, Poland
Many residents of Częstochowa – the city actively involved in the MESHARTILITY project - and students of primary and secondary schools could find out how much they know about green energy and their impact on the climate during Intelligent Energy Day organized on the 9th of June on Biegański Square.
The Office of the Municipal Engineer, together with the the Association of Polish Scouting Region Silesia and Fortum Power & Heat Poland, has prepared a number of competitions for preschoolers, students and senior citizens. The youngest inhabitants of Częstochowa willingly created works of art, which common theme was ecology. A lot of fun brought them the game of keeping the colorful balls on the scarf. While playing the Wheel of Fortune participants answered questions about the waste segregation, renewable energy sources and methods of saving energy. Winners received awards, among others ecological bags, pens, lanyards and games related to environmental protection.
Local energy planning
On the 24th of June meeting about Local energy planning was held in City Hall of Jasło.
26 people participated in the meeting: representatives of municipalities (Jasło, Brzysko, Kołaczyce, Dębowiec, Skołyszyn), non-governmental organizations (The Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” (PNEC), Związek Gmin Dorzecza Wisłoki) as well as private companies. Andrzej Czernecki, Major of Jaslo, officially launched the meeting and was speaking about development of energy efficiency, energy planning and management and their important role for municipality.
2nd Polish Round Table on Energy Data Sharing
Nearly 40 people – representatives of Polish local authorities, energy companies and institutions operating on the energy market – took part in a debate organized in the framework of the 2nd Polish Round Table on Energy Data Sharing, which was held by PNEC on the 2nd of June 2014 in Cracow. During the debate the participants discussed current situation regarding cooperation and energy data sharing between energy utilities and municipalities, as well as ways of improving this cooperation in future in order to ensure sustainable energy development on the local level. The meeting was organized within the international project entitled MESHARTILITY, implemented by PNEC in the period 2012-2015.
European dimension of local energy planning
The expert public conference European dimension of local energy planning was held on the 3rd of June in Cracow. It was organized due to VIS NOVA project implemented by Central Europe Programme co- financed by European Regional Development Fund. Interesting and complex agenda gathered representatives of municipalities, universities and research institutions as well as project partners from four European countries: Austria, Hungary, Poland and Germany. Conference was divided into two parts: Perspective of low carbon economy financing and Expertise of Local Energy Efficiency Plans.
Smart and sustainable energy solutions in municipalities – Green Twinning
Over 70 people from 7 countries participated in the workshop “Green Twinning: Municipalities together for smart and sustainable energy solutions”, which took place on the 20th of March 2014 in the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. The workshop was organized as the final event of Green Twinning project, which was implemented by our Association in the period 2012-2014 and was co-financed from the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme.
The welcome speech of Mr. Gerhard Stahl, Secretary General of the Committee of the Regions, was followed by the session devoted to the methodology of the Green Twinning project, as well as to its objectives, activities and outcomes. It also included assessment of local governments’ capacities in terms of SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) development and implementation, identifying potential ways of improving these capactities and presentation of successful twinnings established between European cities and municipalities. In addition, there were presented exemplary SEAP actions implemented by municipalities involved in the project, as well as the challenges and perspectives of the EU sustainable policies at local and regional level.
II Energy Symposium, 28.03.2014
Public conference named II Energy Syposium was organized od 28th of March 2014 in Leśny Dworek Restaurant in Gorlice from 10.00 am to 14.00 pm. Among 25 participant there were representatives of 6 municipalities (Biecz, Dębica, Gorlice, Lubin, Łużna, Ropa), Administrative District of Gorlice, Local Support Group members, The Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités”, AGH University of Science and Technology, headmaster of Schools Complex nr nr 1, private companies: BaSz – consulting company, AMT Project.
6th meeting of the Polish CoM Dialogue Platform – the end of NET-COM project
The 6th meeting of the Polish CoM Dialogue Platform on 28th of November 2013 was held in the form of webinar. It was already the last event organized in the framework of NET-COM project.
It was mainly focused on the future activity of meeting of the Polish CoM Dialogue Platform after the end of the project. Also “Action Plan for implementation of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) in Poland during 2012 – 2020” was discussed and adapted. Moreover all the participants were informed about new PNEC project that will be implemented since 2014, mainly these supporting CoM signatories.
5th meeting of the Polish CoM DialoguePlatform during VII RES Forum in Katowice
On 15th of November the fifth meeting of Polish CoM Dialogue Platform (created in the framework of NET-Com project) was held, joined with the 7th Forum “Energy in a municipality” focused on the issues related to cogeneration and trigeneration.
Poland's first webinar on energy performance contracting and ESCO market
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On 5 July 2013 in the framework of NET-COM project a webinar devoted to energy performance contracting was organized by the Office of the Covenant of Mayors in Brussels in cooperation with the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Citiés" (PNEC).
The main aim of the event was to present the capacity and potential of energy performance contracting to local governments in Poland.