On October 29-30, 2019, the City of Bydgoszcz, the Association Metropolis Bydgoszcz and the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités" held a unique conference dedicated to energy efficiency.  

Energy efficiency is a key element of the municipality's energy transformation. The meeting gathered local governments representatives, along with business community and the low-carbon transition experts. The conference was inaugurated by the official accession of the City of Bydgoszcz to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. The Covenant of Mayors Office was represented by Ms. Alis Daniela TORRES  while the official accession documents were signed by the City of Bydgoszcz Deputy Mayor Ms. Maria Wasiak.

The Covenant of Mayors is the world's largest city movement to protect climate. Covenant signatories support a shared vision up to 2050, which assumes accelerating the low-carbon transformation in their territories, strengthening the adaptability of cities to climate change, and enabling citizens to access reliable, sustainable and economically efficient energy. 

The City of Bydgoszcz's accession to the new Covenant of Mayors inspired the organization of a two-day conference on efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change undertaken by Polish cities. The meeting organized in Bydgoszcz and addressed to representatives of local authorities and key transformation stakeholders took place in two buildings important from the perspective of climate protection and building resilience: in the Przystań Hotel (1st day), located on the revitalized Mill Island and in the RES Demonstration Center in Bydgoszcz (2nd day).

The key role in the process of preparing and conducting the conference alongside representatives of the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités" (acting in Poland as the organization supporting the Covenant of Mayors) was played by employees of the Team for Energy Management in the City Hall of Bydgoszcz led by the team coordinator Mr. Tomasz Bońdos, whom we would like to thank on behalf of the Association and conference participants! 

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