logo GRADThe goals of the project is promotion of green roofs and living walls as a tool for adaptation to climate change for urban areas, including initiating development of model strategies for green roof development in Polish municipalities. The project involves the transfer of German know-how in this area, including primarily the experience of the City of Hamburg, which since April 2014 has and implements its own strategy to stimulate the construction of green roofs in the city. The initiated bilateral exchange and cooperation with experts in the field of green roofs is to result in 8 local strategies developed for 8 Polish pilot cities, dissemination of materials and guidelines for supporting the development of green roofs and living walls in cities and improving general awareness of the role of green roofs in climate protection.

Within the project 3 action packages are planned:

PACKAGE 1: Building competence and transfer of German experience in the field of adaptation to climate change, including in particular the promotion and installation of green roofs. This action will be implemented through the organization of a seminar and workshops with the participation of experts from Germany, a study visit to Hamburg for representatives of 8 Polish pilot municipalities, as well as the preparation of a brochure promoting green roof strategies and presenting German experiences.

PACKAGE 2: Development of green roof strategies in pilot municipalities based on the experience of the city of Hamburg. These documents will be adopted in each of the municipalities and included in other local strategic documents.

PACKAGE 3: Dissemination of project results via the project website and through the organization of a final conference, as well as through urban campaigns, which will be conducted in the municipalities involved in the implementation of the project and on the Internet and media.


Implementation period: October 2018 – December 2020

Partners: PNEC, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg 

Participants: Bielsko-Biała, Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Kalisz, Kraków, Lublin, Warszawa, Wrocław

Financing: European Climate Initiative (EUKI)

Project website: http://strategiezielonychdachow.pnec.org.pl/en