POLISH RES LEAGUE was officially opened on the 5th of February 2009 during the workshop „Utilization of solar energy and biomass”. The workshop was organized within the framework of the annual ENEX fair in Kielce by the Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” and the GLOBEnergia magazine.
Over 150 people participated in the workshop. During the event they had the chance to see part of the Polish version of IMAGINE poster exhibition, which presents activities for climate protection taken up by European municipalities.
The workshop was devoted to the most interesting investment projects of Polish municipalities which concern utilization of solar energy and biomass. Representatives of following municipalities presented their achievements: Częstochowa, Bielsko-Biała, Mszana Dolna, Janów, Nowa Dęba and Gorlice. Zbigniew Michniowski, Deputy Mayor of Bielsko-Biała, President of the board of PNEC and Vice-President of European Energie Cités made the formal opening of the Polish RES League.

So far five municipalities have registered in the Polish Biomass League: Nowa Dęba, Janów, Sokole Pole, Poddębice, Niepołomice and Stare Juchy. Also the Polish Solar League has five participants: Proszówki, Sułoszowa, Niepołomice, Poddębice, Janów-Ponik.
We are waiting for another applications!
Soon another important event will take place. On the 23th of April 2009 an European RES Champions League will be opened. It will happen at Brussels, during the joint conference of European Network Energie-Cités and Climate Alliance „3x20: play the game!”