Municipal Intelligent Energy Day in Gorlice took place on the 15th of May 2009. The event was organized within the framework of the project entitled “Management of Domains Related to Energy in Local Authorities (MODEL) whose Polish coordinator is the Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cités”.
Students from local schools gathered in large numbers at the market square holding self-made banners with ecological slogans. Janusz Fugiel, Deputy Mayor of Gorlice, welcomed invited guests. Official opening of the event was followed by the presentation of artistic programs prepared by the young people from municipal schools.
Students from Municipal School Complex no 4 in Gorlice prepared staging entitled “Energy is my friend” while its colleagues from Municipal School Complex no 3 prepared presentation on renewable energy sources and ecological songs. During the event participants could also see the exhibition of artistic works entitled “Renewable energy sources” which was prepared by the students from Municipal School Complex no 5 in Gorlice.
Students from Municipal School Complex no 1 performed a theater play entitled “Three elements” and carried out spoken word/music performance encouraging people to save energy in their everyday life. Students also presented models of alternative energy plants they had prepared.
Young people from the School Club of the Polish League for Nature Protection (Liga Ochrony Przyrody - LOP), which operates in the Primary School in Jankowa, prepared a staging entitled “Eco-Mister Thaddeus”. In the same time young ecologists from preschool class who cooperate with the LOP division in the Bobowa School Complex no 1 prepared a play entitled “Go away trash!”
For the youngest participants of the event organizers prepared a drawing contest “Joint Painting of the World”. Children had a chance to show their talents making drawings on the market square paving. For more “advanced” participants organizers prepared an Ecological information Point – EKOBUS where solar collectors and biomass fireplaces where presented and people could watch multimedia presentations. Experts from “MAKROTERM” company gave specialist advice to anyone interested in it.
The Specialist Hospital of H. Klimontowicz in Gorlice invited visitors to see the whole technological process of biomass combustion.
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