On September 6-7, 2022, the final meeting of the entire REBUS project consortium was held in Durham, UK. Also PNEC representatives were the attendees.

During the event, the partners summarized the implemented activities and determined the next steps leading to the completion of the project. Representatives of the city, university and organizations operating in Durham shared their experiences related to climate and environmental protection, presenting implemented projects, solutions and showing opportunities for cooperation between different stakeholders.

An important element of the REBUS was the streamlining of selected support instruments intended for cities and municipalities undertaking planning, implementation and monitoring of renovation work in public buildings. This aspect was the most important topic during the first day of the meeting. Each partner presented the results achieved, the challenges overcome (also due to the pandemic), and the changes and improvements which are included in strategic documents.

The REBUS project also aimed to design model Energy Renovation Path (ERP) for local governments, including model solutions for planning, implementation and monitoring of renovation work, as well as guidelines for involving key stakeholders in the process.

Thus, the second day of the meeting allowed participants to learn about interesting solutions for effective renovation in practice. The first site of the study visit was the Woodland Elementary School, which invested in a heat pump, photovoltaic panels and implemented a number of other solutions to reduce energy consumption and make the building more energy efficient. Another facility visited was Lumley Middle School, where photovoltaic panels integrated into the roof were installed. The investment made there resulted in steady, significant savings. The Morrison Busty Depot near Annfield Plain was also an interesting site, with a large-scale solar farm built to provide energy for the services  (transportation, green nursery, waste management). 

The historically significant former Bevin Mine buildings on the site are to be transformed into an environmental and climate education place for residents and schoolchildren. The last example was the Craghead estate, which underwent a major renovation in recent years. The area has increased its energy efficiency and gained in attractiveness thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels, thermal modernization that takes into account the preservation of the appearance of the facades, and the revaluation of the surroundings. All the realizations were an excellent example of the use of the ERP in practice, and at the same time an inspiration for partners to undertake further initiatives in this field.

The trip was an opportunity not only to summarize project activities, but also to analyze the possibility of further cooperation. We would like to thank County Durham for its hospitality and organization of the event!