We would like to invite you to read the latest - and the last - newsletter of the S3UNICA project (Intelligent energy-saving solutions on university campuses). This time, it raises new interesting issues related to the implementation of effective solutions on university campuses. It presents the most interesting events that took place during the implementation of the project. It informs about the success of the Italian University of Udine, where a partnership agreement was signed for the implementation of the modernisation and maintaining of energy systems project. You can read about the on-line meeting of the project partners and the international exchange of experiences organized in June 2022 by PNEC and an event for representatives of Polish universities from Bielsko-Biała in Krakow, who during the study visit could learn about interesting, energy-efficient solutions at universities in Krakow . Another points of interest are the results of the GreenMetric report, in which universities are assessed in terms of supporting ecology and implementing the principles of sustainable development. The study covered almost 1,000 universities from all over the world, including 264 from Europe. The newsletter also presents the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on emission levels and emerging differences in energy efficiency between different universities.

The newsletter is available here.