Please find below a list of available materials & resources concerning the topic of communicating & changing behaviuors:


  • Guidebook “Energy saving at school”
  • Guidebook “Energy saving at school: part 2
  • Guidebook “Energy saving in public buildings
  • Guidebook 50/50 step by step. Energy efficiency and saving at school
  • Guidebook Everything you want to know about 50/50
  • Educational guidebook for caretakers
  • Benefits of applying 50/50 in public buildings


  • Step-by-step procedures’ handbook for Energy Management System in schools buildings
  • Step-by-step procedures’ handbook for Energy Management System in institutional buildings
  • Step-by-step procedures’ handbook for Energy Management System in public buildings
  • Pilot concept design
  • Set of subsidies and incentives integrated with Demand Side Management
  • Demand Side Management tools for the engagement of the building users