REBUS - Renovation for Energy efficient Buildings

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The project aims at promoting and supporting energy efficiency in public buildings through designing model Energy Renovation Path (ERP) that will help to overcome most typical barriers encountered during different phases of energy renovation projects: planning, implementation, monitoring and users engagement. Significant part of the considerations is devoted to the topic of capacity building - both of building owners/managers and building users.

REBUS addresses a need, which is common to EU local authorities as energy renovation in public building is an identified priority. Thanks to the networks of stakeholders activated by the project partners, the impact on the territory is huge. REBUS involves them in all project phases: learning,action plan development and monitoring.

Thus, REBUS builds skills and involves the stakeholders who are in charge of implementing policy changes in order to achieve fitting and sustainable project results which are in line with EU energy efficiency targets.

Project duration: 01.04.2016 - 31.03.2021 

Total project budget: 1 701 557 €

Financing: European Regional Development through the Interreg Europe programme

Lead Partner: Florentine Energy Agency (I)


  • Region of Crete (GR)
  • South-East Regional Development Agency (RO)
  • NORDA Regional Development Agency of North-Hungary Nonprofit Corporation (H)
  • Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” (PL)
  • European Institute for Innovation (DE)
  • City of Malmö (S)
  • Durham County Council (GB)

Project website:  


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Logo INTERREG EUROPE Projekt jest finansowany ze środków pochodzących w programu INTERREG EUROPE. Wyłączna odpowiedzialność za treść niniejszej strony spoczywa na jej autorach.